
You’re Serious About This Right?

I spoke this past weekend at the Greater Washington Court Reporters Association and had a great time helping them discover other streams of income within their existing business! But I missed my Millionaire Protégé Club Meeting in LA as a result. I heard it was awesome as usual. I also missed a chance to travel to Spain with my husband, if only I could split myself into three people! As a superwoman I’m sure you wish you had the power to clone yourself as well!

I’m taking some time today to talk about how serious you are about your business. I see people all the time say they wish to be an entrepreneur and that they don’t want to work for anyone else. But I am not so sure everyone understands how hard you have to work in order to have a business that generates income and continues to grow. It doesn’t normally happen overnight and it certainly doesn’t happen without you busting your behind.

I can usually tell the people who will be successful in business versus those who will struggle. There tend to be common success traits that entrepreneurs will possess. One is the willingness to learn any and everything they can by reading, listening to educational CD’s investing in a coaching program and devouring everything they can. Next is the person who actually takes action on what they learn and puts it to use. One of the things you cannot expect someone else to do is to take your business seriously when they see you don’t. I have fired clients who were not serious because they expected me to do everything for them. If you don’t have the desire to do what needs to be done in your own business, you certainly can’t expect anyone else to rise to the occasion for you.

A successful entrepreneur will work on things in their business every single day. They will give up the things they enjoy in order to sacrifice while they are getting things going. The person who rather spend their time on things that are “fun� but don’t pertain to them growing their business is the person who is not in it for the long haul.

If you don’t have a clear vision for your business, it is time to write down your goals. The most successful people in the world write their goals down and revisit them often. How will you get anywhere without a road map? There has to be points of arrival along the way to your ultimate goal and it is your job to map out how to reach each milestone that will catapult you closer and closer. With no goals, you have no real plan. In fact you are operating like a fish out of water. I have been there, done that. It leaves your frustrated and ready to give up. But once you come up with a real and attainable plan you immediately have to have something to work with and refer back to. Remember that goals have to be revisited and revamped from time to time due to all types of changes and that is normal and perfectly fine.

So for the entrepreneur who is serious, this is your path. It starts with changing your mindset and priorities. So what’s it going to be? Are you serious or not?

If you are interested in learning how to grow and thrive in your business, how to recession proof your business, sell out your live events, take your business on-line and create a whole new income stream and how to find additional revenue streams in your existing business you weren’t even aware were there…. Then you CANNOT miss my 2010 Women Entrepreneurs’ Information Summit. It will forever change your life, guaranteed. Details coming soon!

If you are interested in my business coaching services and you have a business you are trying to take to the next level, send an email to:

Yesterday, members of Superwoman Lifestyle talked about how they are trying to make healthy eating a part of their daily routine like I have been advising. Some have mastered it and others are still struggling to do it. The struggle comes from your time being limited. And when you are pressed for time it is easy to justify cutting corners on YOURSELF. But you are worth more than that. With all that you do, you cannot sacrifice your health. Always remember that that better care you take of yourself, the better care you can take of your loved ones. You deserve an hour a day a few times per week to do something beneficial for yourself. Every woman out there has an hour to focus on them. Find it and do it, no more excuses!

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