
You Made A Mistake? Say It Ain’t So!- Vicki Irvin

I felt compelled to write about this topic today. It seems lately several people that I know have been beating themselves up about some mistakes they made in their past. So much so that it is actually haunting them.

Let’s get serious here…we are HUMANS! We all make mistakes! And guess what? We will be making even more of them as long as we continue to live on earth. It is virtually impossible to live without making mistakes. Am I speaking from experience? You are darn right! You may as well call me Miss Mistake Maker! LOL

Sometimes we do things with the greatest intentions in mind, and it ends up not working out. Then comes the guilt, regret and remorse. But hold onto the fact that you had no ill will in mind and that life does not always turn out the way we want it to.

What is most important, is that you LEARN from your mistakes. I know people say this all the time, but it is a valuable lesson. Some of my biggest lessons in life have been learned from making mistakes. Now the people who continue to repeat the same mistakes over and over? Well that’s a different story and I call those people “Gluttons for punishment”.

So stop beating yourself up! Take a deep breath and LET IT GO! You can’t take back your past, but you can most certainly design your own future!

Have a WONDERFUL and Productive day!

Vicki Irvin
A site for WOMEN ONLY!

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