
Where The Heck Is All Your Old Stuff??

What are you doing with all of the great content you have written for your business? Surely you have archives of great material that you have written about in ezines or blogs! Or what about all the great calls you conducted and recorded, where are those?

Over time you will notice that you have built up a great library of content-rich information on your product or service that others can benefit and profit from. Don’t leave those precious gems collecting dust, you must do what we call repurpose your content. There are ways to take the information you have already shared and make products out of them by packaging them up in a succinct and logical way! Do you host weekly calls? If you do, those recording can be made into a tele-class series that people will buy. Have the calls transcribed and provide the transcriptions along with the audio for added value.

Work with someone to look at all your written material and see how you can make a step by step course out of it. If you do live events, make sure you have them professionally recorded so that you can form a home study course from your live events that people who didn’t come to the event can purchase. Those can consist of CD’s and DVD’s of the entire event. These are products that can be sold for a very long time and updated when necessary.

Remember that I am always telling you to look at your business with fresh eyes and figure out ways you can find additional revenue streams and repurposing your old material is just one of those ways. What are you waiting for, go get busy!

If you are interested in learning how to grow and thrive in your business, how to recession proof your business, sell out your live events, take your business on-line and create a whole new income stream and how to find additional revenue streams in your existing business you weren’t even aware were there…. Then you CANNOT miss my 2010 Women Entrepreneurs’ Information Summit complete with some of the top speakers. It will forever change your life, guaranteed. Details coming soon!

If you are interested in my business coaching services and you have a business you are trying to take to the next level, send an email to:

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