
Vicki Irvin-SET THOSE GOALS! Maryland Real Estate Investing

Thank you so much to all of you who provided me with remedies and prayers for my cold! Guess what? It worked! I feel so much better and that is GREAT because the Queen is quite busy all weekend and I can’t be slowed down. The free seminar last night was great and I was bombarded with people who were so happy they attended and obtained a wealth of knowledge that most people would never even share. I am currently teaching my next group of aspiring investors how to take their financial status to a whole new level. This weekend’s boot camp if going to be exciting, I have a good mix of newbies and some experienced investors ready to catapult their investing career to the next level! I’m on break right now!

While I am teaching my real estate investing boot camp, what will you be doing this weekend? Hopefully you will take some time to think about your goals. Getting into the habit of setting both short and long term goals is the first step to financial freedom. When you have an end in mind, and then map out a realistic plan to get there, suddenly it becomes a reality for you. When you speak about making changes in your life, but don’t write down a plan of action to get there, in reality you are just talking and blowing smoke. Things don’t happen by just speaking them, you have to REALIZE your dreams and draw up a blueprint to attain them. I had a student who came through my very first real estate investing class. Darryl and his wife own their own business and are quite successful! Darryl wrote to me and told me the goal setting work book I gave him to complete prior to even coming to boot camp, has forever changed his life. He used the principles from that work book to take his current business to the next level, not to mention to formulate his real estate investing plans and goals. He stated that there were several areas in his business that he struggled with, all because he didn’t set a proper plan of action. But that is a thing of the past now! All due to something as simple as setting goals.

So this weekend, no matter what you do, I want you to start thinking about where you want to be. All of us have the potential to do whatever we want, but we have to work at it and hold ourselves accountable. Having other positive people to support you goes a long way. Every time I get ready to make an excuse for something my husband is right there in my face giving me a million reasons why I am just making excuses. And it works, because he is right (although I hate to admit it). It’s human nature to make excuses, but it is also crippling to our success. Don’t have anyone to help hold you accountable? I’ll do it! I am dedicated to your success, so always feel free to post to my blog or send me a private email. I will be here to pick you up when you are feeling down. Let’s support each other!

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