
Vicki Irvin-You Missed It? You BETTER Have a Good Excuse! Maryland Real Estate Investing

WERE YOU THERE? If you missed the New 2007 New Year’s Seminar on Real Estate Investing last night, then I am so sorry for you! We started the new year off right, with a BIG OLD BANG. The crowd was energetic and pumped and ready to make a change! My husband was a huge inspiration and his passion for helping people resonated throughout the room. When my personal real estate investing mentor Terry Bryan agreed to come to our community and help us get this amazing program we have off the ground, he did just that for five months! We will forever be grateful that one of the most successful real estate investors in the world took the time out of his schedule to do for us what most people of his caliber would have never done. And for the new year of 2007, my husband and I are now flying solo, flying high and making some major success stories! Barbara Brown, the single mom who came through our program and made $50,000 in the month of December alone, was there, live and in person telling her amazing story from the stage. People got a chance to talk to Barbara afterwards and ask her questions about her experiences. It was an amazing night and it CLEARLY shows me that 2007 is going to be THE year for a lot of people in the metro area! Can you feel it??

Let’s talk about the ability to change for a moment. Sometimes our lives lead us down a path that isn’t quite where we want to be. But the unique and amazing thing is that we as humans do indeed have the ability to switch directions and change. People often send me emails saying they have reached a point they just don’t want to be anymore and they don’t know what to do. And my answer is always the same….Make a change. You are able to do that. It begins with the inner voice inside of you. YOU have got to believe in you before anyone else will. And when you realize you are worthy of everything you desire, slowly and surely the transformation will take place.

I would love to stay and chat with you some more, but I have got to begin setting up interviews with all of the people who applied to come into my program last night. Those people who decided to fill out an application took what we call DECISIVE ACTION and I am proud of them. Over analyzing decisions in life paralyze you and when you look up, you haven’t done a darn thing. Don’t become of a victim of this, as you will look up and years will have passed you by. Remember, NO REGRETS in 2007.

If you are looking for a change and you are ready to answer the inner voice inside of you that is urging you to leap forward, do yourself a favor and attend my next seminar that I will be announcing very soon. Stay tuned, you have GOT to Get “Rich-N- Fit� with the Queen! Can you really afford not to?

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