
Vicki Irvin-Are You Sitting On The Fence of Life?-Maryland Real Estate Investing

Okay, I am sooooo upset. I got up at 5:00am to go and have a live broadcast with Heaven 1580 this morning, only to find I had the wrong day! My husband gave me this date, I am going to have to fire him and find a new booking manager!! I came home and got right back in my warm bed!

Did you get a chance to see our video with us dancing? You know, we all have aspirations to be something else, I always wanted to be in a dance video! Rappers want to be movie stars, movie stars want to be singers, and everybody wants their own clothing line. Well I just wanted to be in a video, so mission accomplished! More importantly, my husband and I were dancing for joy because another student bought an investment property way below market on our boot camp house tour! That is unbelievable. When they position the home they bought for resale, they stand to make well over $100,000! Our students Chase & Wilson bought the property. One thing I remember about them is that they took decisive action. I clearly remember when Chase came to out free seminar because she stood out. She loved what she heard and she had made up her mind before leaving that this was going to be the program for her. People must apply to be accepted into out program and for that reason, we only accept applications for consideration at our seminars.

But when I got home the next day and my staff and I began to weed through the applications that had been turned in, I saw one with a check attached to it! We CLEARLY state that we do not accept payments at our seminars because acceptance is not guaranteed. But Chase attached her payment anyway, just hard-headed :)  After interviewing her, she was EXACTLY the type of student we were looking for. She took decisive action and did not over analyze anything. She had no fear. So when she stepped up in boot camp last Saturday and bought that property I was not the least bit surprised. Some people know what they want in life and they go for it, and those are the people who are the most successful. Turns out Chase also is a partner in a successful financial company, so she knows about finding multiple streams of income and being proactive. She is already a successful businesswoman, but she wasn’t satisfied with that. She knew she needed to apply her success to real estate just as all the other successful people in the world do and that is what she did. So I urge everyone to be proactive. Don’t be content just because you are doing well now. You never know when someone will come and tell you that you are fired, so be prepared so that you do not have to be in financial ruins before you realize you should have done more to secure your future!

Are you sitting on the fence of life? If so, you need to be surrounded by people like Chase and our other mastermind members who can help inspire you to take action.

Do yourself a favor. Come on out to my next seminar on January 25th and learn all about real estate investing.  

Get “Rich-N- Fit� with the Queen! Can you really afford not to?

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